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How Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect Women’s Rights?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.” –The Declaration of Independence. 

One hundred and seventy-five years ago women used this as the basis to start a revolution that would provide women the same rights as men, during a time in the 19th century when women did not have the right to own property, vote, or receive equal pay. 

After nearly two centuries, women’s rights have come a long way. Not only can women own homes, but also can climb as high as they’d like in the spheres of education and careers. Women can vote and even run for the highest offices in the land. 

But was the overturning of Roe v. Wade a step backward? 

What did Roe Actually Change?

According to Pew Research, abortion was already declining in the United States before the Supreme Court’s decision. 

“The annual number of U.S. abortions rose for years after Roe v. Wade legalized the procedure in 1973, reaching its highest levels around the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to both the CDC and Guttmacher. Since then it has generally decreased at what a CDC analysis called “a slow yet steady pace.

So, many women were already choosing either adoption or parenting for their pregnancies. The remaining women who still seek abortions, can still find them–even after the changes nationwide. 

Though abortion is now limited in some states, it did not actually take away rights for women. Life-saving treatment cannot be denied to any woman, including pregnant women.

What Rights Do Women Still Have for Healthcare?

Did you know that general healthcare is not a right to any American?

The American Bar Association explains, “Many nations specifically include a right to health or a right to health care in their Constitution. The United States does not…Nevertheless, federal government support for health care has been in place for decades and benefits most, although not all, Americans.”

However, women can still receive the same prenatal and postpartum care that was available before Roe v. Wade with exams, ultrasounds, genetic testing, mental healthcare etc.

According to the American Bar AssociationArticle 25 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides, “Everyone has a right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care . . . and the right to security in the event of sickness [and] disability. . . .” 

So, women have the same right to healthcare as men do.

Does a Pregnant Woman Have the Right to Choose?

As a pregnant woman, you still have the right to make your own decision about your pregnancy. Your destiny is yours. Others may try to pressure or persuade you, but at the end of the day they can’t make that decision for you. 

Abortion is still legal in at least 17 states

Adoption is an option for women who are not ready to be mothers, but don’t want an abortion. If you choose this route, you will have complete control over the whole process. You will get to choose the adoptive family, and how much (or little) contact you want with your child in the future.

Parenting can also be an option. We offer support and resources to help prepare pregnant women for motherhood.

Looking for Pregnancy Support?

If you have any follow-up questions about pregnancy, abortion, or adoption, we would love to assist you. Our staff is here to help. Schedule a no-cost appointment today.

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