No-Cost and Confidential Women’s Center

What is the Abortion Pill?

The shock of being unexpectedly pregnant is hard to swallow. You may be dreading telling people or wondering what your partner will say. Once the shock wears off a little, it’s time to decide what to do.

One choice is the abortion pill. It’s an abortion method using drugs to terminate a pregnancy. Since it’s a medical abortion, you won’t visit a doctor for surgery. 

Only certain women are eligible for the abortion pill. Make sure you know what to expect if you qualify, and the side effects and potential risks before starting the drugs. Contact us for more information about all of your options. 

Do I Qualify to Use the Abortion Pill?

To qualify for the abortion pill, you need to have a good idea of how long you’ve been pregnant. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approves this method when a pregnancy is no longer than 70 days from a woman’s first day of her last menstrual period.

This is such an important qualification that the FDA counts a pregnancy in days, not weeks. How do you find the number of days you’ve been pregnant? The best way is with an ultrasound. First Concern can provide you with a free ultrasound referral

How Does it Work?

You’d think if the name is the abortion pill, there would be only one pill to take. There are two powerful drugs that you take over a 24 to 48 hour period. The drugs are called mifepristone and misoprostol. 

The first drug in the procedure is mifepristone. The FDA has put serious restrictions on who can prescribe this drug. 

All pregnancies need a hormone called progesterone to survive and grow. Mifepristone blocks the uterus from absorbing progesterone to terminate the pregnancy. Afterward, you take misoprostol to cause your uterus to contract and push the fetus out.

Are There Any Risks?

Every drug has the possibility of side effects or potential health problems. You can expect bleeding and cramping with the abortion pill. It’s possible to bleed for at least one or two weeks, maybe longer. You’ll most likely see blood clots and possibly the fetus.

Potential risks of the abortion pill include:

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection

Free Pregnancy Test and Options Consultation

If you’re wondering if the abortion pill is the right choice for you, come to First Concern. We’ll answer your questions and discuss all of your options

You and your sexual health are our first concern. Call or text the location nearest you, or fill out our online contact form. We’re ready to help.

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Safe and Supportive Care

We offer free, on-site ultrasound referrals so you can know for sure if you are pregnant and learn more before making a decision. We offer same-day appointments, so contact us today to schedule yours.

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